Hongkong Select Homes

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Discovery Bay sea view townhouse
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Relocating to Hong Kong?
Already here, but looking to move?
We can help...

Whoever coined the saying “Getting there is half the fun” obviously never had to pack up the family home, spouse, two-point-five-seems-like-ten children and family dog to move halfway across the world, foster out the parrot, goldfish and turtles, ensure that everything that should go does go, everything not needed is stored, sold or chucked, the present house is closed up, rented out, handed back or otherwise disposed of, all the necessary persons/organizations are notified and the million and one other things taken care of, all the while maintaining the enthusiasm and morale of the family.

Fun? Not by a long shot. But we hope we can help make the move just a little easier by providing some preliminary information and hopefully, helpful hints about life in Hong Kong.

If there is other information you need at this time or if you have any special requirements, please feel free to contact us.

Prints of this panoramic photo, Hong Kong City Lights, are now available for purchase.
See more images in the series.

Design, code and photos by
omnivision. websight.